Modern networks are very different
and there are many social media and social networking service companies. We always lived in a connected world, except we were not so much aware of it. For decades we never perceived connectedness as being quantifiable, as being something that we can describe, that we can measure, that we have ways of quantifying the process. With
rapid growth of the internet and the web, global communication, news and all
kinds of information, using
analytics for the management and reporting of network utilization, we can spot
trends and deviations through event correlation and adding context to the
enterprise data model. Analytics-driven service management makes intelligent
infrastructure decisions and optimizes service delivery for the enterprise.
Visualization is a useful technique that represents changes or
trends of information and network analysis and we have learned the different
ways of networks layouts that can be used to explore datasets, communicate
ideas emerging from data, and understand the data and to take action on it.

Ram, Sudha. Introduction to Networks. MIS 587 Business
“Automation and analytics play key role in modern networks”. March
14, 2016
3. “Thinking In Network Terms” Sept. 24, 2012. https://www.edge.org/conversation/albert_l_szl_barab_si-thinking-in-network-terms
Ram, Sudha. “Introduction to Network Visulaization”. MIS 587
Business Intelligence.